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Добавить в избранные объявленияLook position of waitress

The young responsible and purposeful girl looks for work as the waitress – a full employment till September, 2012, further I will be glad to work not full time (I study in college). The job search Purpose: desire of development and growth; interest to work; to study new and to improve the acquired skills. Knowledge of languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian.

Personal qualities: Good memory, coordination, eye estimation, attention, skills of business dialogue, the excellent physical form. Clear relations with colleagues. Sociable, hard-working, energetic, clever, pure-minded, easy-going, flexible, friendly, polite, with good analytical, communication, have organizational skills, purpose, hard-working, energetic, clever, pure-minded, easy-going, flexible, friendly, polite, with good analytical, communication, have organizational skills, purpose, desire for polish up myself, skill to find the necessary approach to other people, availability, capacity for making friends, love to my profession. Status of stay is the legal in the country. Olena, tel. 07831207211. i-summit@bigmir.net Olena 07831207211
Телефон: 07831207211
ID объявления: #11382
Объявление размещено: 2012-05-12
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