LZskelbimai.com - Самый крупный портал объявлений в Великобритании, Англии

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Добавить в избранные объявленияlabourer/painter decorator/plumbing mate/carpenter mate

Hallo,urgently looking for a job.Painter decorator,wallpaper hang,repair walls,ceiling,floor,

plasteboard fix.,carpenter ,plumbing skills,worked with timber,sanding,vanishing,painting,repair doors,skirtings,windows,put mastic,filling materials,,have own tools.drill,lazer,level,other necessary tools for work,gloves,boots,.hard worker,responsible,friendly,honest,reliable,can

be a good mate or assist with engineering job,technical educations maritime college,enough

relevant construction skills,worked with concrete.Able to start work immediately any time

fullworking day,holidays,night shift available,workshop,warehouses,eu citizen,able to travel in london area,any questions ,please call,available othe job for help moving furnitures,some othe small jobs,not lazy,usually 65-70 p per day viktor 07778706829 viktor 07778706829
Телефон: 07778706829
ID объявления: #18346
Объявление размещено: 2013-01-23
Перечитано ... раз: 730


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