LZskelbimai.com - Самый крупный портал объявлений в Великобритании, Англии

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Security Services across the UK. Door Supervisors, CCTV Controllers and Security Guards.

£7-14 per hour depending on the job: Security Escort, Clubs, Bars, Shops, Public Gatherings, etc.

The Applicant must possess a License / must speak English / have no difficulty in completing the form / must be in good health & be physically fit.

Please register with us at:

The Application Form is to be sent by Post /or/ scanned & E-mailed to us:
Имя: Rehman
Телефон: 02031293029
Местность: London, UK
ID объявления: #22190
Объявление размещено: 2014-07-04
Перечитано ... раз: 639


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