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Добавить в избранные объявленияNative RUSSIAN/ROMANIAN/POLISH

Native RUSSIAN/ROMANIAN/POLISH speakers needed for translation work

Clifton, Bristol

Reply to this ad or on 07738924347

Contract type


In need of native Russian, Romanian and Polish speakers to transcribe and translate film footage for a new TV show.

Work would involve, transcribing footage in spoken language (Russian/Romanian/Polish), translating into English before writing up subtitles.

Excellent computer skills required (preferably Mac competent)

Based in Clifton, Bristol - would be required to come into office

2-5 hours per day

Competitive, hourly rate

Please include CV with applications. , Clifton, Bristol, _
Телефон: 07738924347
ID объявления: #7614
Объявление размещено: 2011-11-23
Перечитано ... раз: 765


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