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Добавить в избранные объявленияCompany is seeking a driver based in London (срочно требуется водитель с личным авто в лондоне)

Company is seeking a driver based in London (срочно требуется водитель с личным авто в лондоне)

A company specialising in party organisation is urgently currently seeking a driver with a car who could work on a part-time, "as and when needed" basis in and around London. The driver must be available to start work this Saturday (3 May).

Driver's duties:

- Deliver party equipment to venue and collect it at an agreed time
- Work as an assistant at the venue for the required number of hours (ranges from 2 to 12 hours)
- Other company related work

Driver Specifications/requirements:

- Own passenger car (standard car, van is not required)
- Flexibility (must be flexible around the requirements of the company)
- Availability at short notice (ranging from several days to several hours)
- Self-employed
- Punctual, polite, honest, flexible, good level of spoken English
- Flexibility with pay

Please submit your CV and a covering letter for the attention of the Recruitment Manager.

Training will be provided to successful candidates.

Following an interview, successful candidates will be required to provide a copy of their passport, driving license and proof of address.
Имя: Recruitment Manager
Телефон: 07983711820
Местность: London, UK
ID объявления: #21996
Объявление размещено: 2014-05-01
Перечитано ... раз: 917


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