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Добавить в избранные объявленияCreative Artworker - Designer

I am looking for a new permanent position as a Creative Artworker - Designer.

I am a confident professional artworker - graphic designer with 18 years of experience in publishing and marketing. I have perfected my skills in laying out pages, creating new templates and designing original artwork and illustrations for any kind of print or digital materials.

I am extensively experienced in the following areas:

Creating unique posters, leaflets, newsletters, advertorials, banners etc.

Excellent knowledge of printing processes and prepress production.

Production of packaging artwork to the highest possible standard

Producing print-ready files, preflighting and proof reading.

Troubleshooting artwork problems that may interrupt workflow.

I have expert knowledge in these programs:

Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Corel Draw, Adobe Acrobat + PitStop Pro. Alex 07411384999
Телефон: 07411384999
ID объявления: #15955
Объявление размещено: 2012-10-31
Перечитано ... раз: 716


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