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Добавить в избранные объявленияExperienced Seamstress with knowledge of...

Experienced Seamstress with knowledge of pattern making required for a starting up fashion atelier in central Shoreditch, London.Requirements•UK-EU-EEA passport. If EEA or EU needs to have a certificate of permanent residence in the UK (which is acquired after 5 years of residence in UK).•Good Machinist skills.•Portfolio or examples of previous work.•Languages: Russian or English.•Work hours 5 days a week, approx 6-9 hours per day (negotiable), 6-8 pounds an hour (negotiable depending on workload).
Имя: 07969100750

ID объявления: #3905
Объявление размещено: 2011-03-24
Перечитано ... раз: 649


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