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Good afternoon! to you, as any more to whom! My compatriots from Russia don't pay attention! To me 24 years I am married and there is a child of 6 months, we live in the rented apartment. Not so long ago I took the credit for the sum of $12500 and it developed so now I unable it to extinguish. Constantly
banks call and threaten with court. Wanted to sell a kidney, but didn't find where. Tried to take money on receipt, but too all kept silent. Very much I ask you to help. I will send you the copies of documents and an extract from accounts because I tell the truth. This money is very necessary. I am ready to take them from you for the term of 3-4 years on receipt. I will give, I only need to leave current situation now. My e-mail olegan-vrn@mail.ru, I will be glad to any letter!!! I write with mistakes as I use the translator. I will invite you to Russia as a token of gratitude) I Live in the city of Voronezh. My electronic purse of Z325793496807-Kto can help Me any kopek is important! Very urgently! I will be glad to your responses and responses. Bondarenko Oleg
Имя: Олег
Телефон: 89525440382
Местность: Воронеж, UK
ID объявления: #19852
Объявление размещено: 2013-03-08
Перечитано ... раз: 670


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